The Lion's Farm, LLC

Member of Maine Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Association,

Maine State Pomological Society, Maine State Beekeepers Association, and

Farmer-Veteran Coalition


Farm Stand: June - October

Good Shepherd Food Bank & Local Pantries in Corinth, Glenburn, Hermon and Bangor

Photographs courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds, GoDaddy Photo Gallery, Hyatt Moore Painter, and our farm.

Food Safety



From Our Farm to Your Plate

Fresh, wholesome, and nutritious. Our harvest that goes to market represents the best food that we can produce. The Lion’s Farm is a Christ-centered operation settled upon a foundation of integrity, soundness of mind, and charity of heart. Come see us at our farm stand for fruits and honey. 

We support the Good Shepherd Food Bank with winter squash and pome fruits.  

  • Winter Squash 
  • Strawberries & Tree Fruits
  • Honey Bee Products
  • Shirts & Caps
  • Consulting

Our Products & Services:

Farmer-Veteran, Farming Family

Glenn spent three years in Future Farmers of America, served as a Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Marine Corps (retired in 2012), and interned with the Farm + Food Lab of the Orange County Great Park and OC Produce, LLC of Irvine, California. Cheryl, a Maine-native, learned first-hand about farm living in New York. Both are University of Maine Master Gardeners, and Glenn is nearing completion of the Cornell University Master Beekeeper program.

A New Generation of Farmers

Everything we do – handling procedures, packaging, and delivery – is done with close attention to your health and well-being.

We follow horticultural best practices and Integrated Pest Management to provide you with fresh, appealing, and healthy produce, so that you and your family can eat without concern.

We respect God's creation, the ordained processes which govern it, and our roles as its appointed stewards.


We use the best nursery stock from Nourse Farms, Cummins Nursery and Stark Bros., and the best seeds from Johnny's Selected Seeds.